Starting a Running Habit as an Average Person in SportsOver the past three years, I’ve been running and power-walking around my neighborhood to improve my health — a necessary balance to my…Oct 29, 2024Oct 29, 2024
Creating CSS Style for Extension Content ScriptIn the modern era, we’re using a lot of the internet, and one of the ways to interact with it is through the browser. The popular one is…Nov 26, 2023Nov 26, 2023
Creating and Release Product MVP for Technical PersonWhen it comes to tech industries, what comes first in mind as a software engineer to create products, mostly going to be focused on the…Mar 23, 2023Mar 23, 2023
Creating a Scalable SwiftUI CodebaseOne of the common things that you would make an app usually comes with auth and page navigation. On the other hand, we want to make our…Aug 4, 2022Aug 4, 2022